What age groups/grades can try-out for our program?
Our program offers team tryouts for Boys & Girls from 3rd grade through 8th grade. Depending on how many kids tryout determines if we can offer a team at each grade level. Our goal is to keep as many teams as possible, however we are limited by the amount of gym time that is available for our use.
Who are we?
We are a competitive travel program for boys & girls who live within Schaumburg High School's attendance boundaries. Our organization strives to provide a fun, safe environment for future Saxon basketball players to learn and improve their skills.
When are tryouts?
Tryouts for the regular basketball season are typically in mid to late August. Exact dates for tryouts will be updated to our Facebook page, website, and an email with tryout information will go to last year’s players parents.
What do I need to do to try-out?
Anyone interested in trying out will need to register on our website prior to the tryout dates. The registration link for tryouts will be available by July each year. Your child must wear appropriate basketball attire and bring your own water bottle.
If I was on a Junior Saxon Basketball team last season, do I need to try-out again?
Yes. Everyone has to try-out each year.
What if I can’t make it to try-outs?
It is critical to attend the try-outs for us to truly evaluate the skill level of all the kids in each group. However, if you have a major conflict (e.g. pre-booked vacation, wedding, priority school event, etc.) and aren’t able to attend either day of tryouts, contact schjrsaxons@gmail.com.
How many kids make each team?
The number of kids on each team can vary depending on skill level and the number of people that try-out. Each team will have anywhere from 8-10 kids.
How many teams are there per grade?
We try to have at least 1 team per grade level. If there are enough facilities and coaching resources, sometimes we will have 2 teams per grade.
When do I find out if I made the team?
Three days after try-outs.
I didn’t make the team – can I try-out again?
Absolutely! We encourage all kids to try-out again the following season.
Skills and Team Practices
In-season practice times will be announced in mid-October once rosters are finalized. Teams will have team practice twice a week and additional skills training MAY BE added throughout the course of the season.
Games (League and Tournament)
Games are typically played on the weekend from mid November - early March. Games are scheduled with teams from the DYTBL https://www.dytbl.net. These games may include home games, away games at neighboring communities as well as weekend tournaments where a larger variety of competition can be found. Nearly all of our games are within an hour travel time.
What are the program fees?
Our program's cost is $800. This covers the cost of our 30-36 practices, 20-25 games, and other operational costs. There is an additional $100 uniform fee for new players. Our gear package consists of a reversible jersey, shorts, and a shooting shirt.